Friday, January 14, 2011


What reflections and connections can you make with this novel?
I can personally reflect and connect with this novel through my religious background. Growing up with the label "PK" (Pastors kid) and going to church my whole life, I can connect with this novel through the works of Don Richardson. My whole life I have been taught in church, almost as if I have been brain-washed, to share the message of God and to do the works of God in other people's life. While my mom constantly brought non-believers to church, I never really had the courage to do it. As I read the Peace Child, I felt that a Christian was obligated to share the Word of God with others. I felt ashamed that I didn't have a courage to do so, yet I felt hope. I felt hope feeling that no matter how corrupt or how sinful one is, there is still a chance to change. If it wasn't for Don Richardson or the other missionaries that went to New Guinea, the people of the Sawi tribe and other tribes would have never been saved. Don Richardson saved those people by introducing God into their lives. Like Don Richardson, I want to save others too. Don Richardson, is my new hero.

1 comment:

  1. Hansol - I've really enjoyed reading your posts. You have so many talents and gifts - keep giving and you'll be amazed at what God will do through you.
