Wednesday, December 29, 2010


What should society do for "uncivilized cultures" like the Sawi?

The world consists of numerous diverse cultures, distinctive yet identical. They piece together like a puzzle; even with all the differences the cultures obtain, they all rely on one another in some way. If one piece is missing, the entire picture is lost and is useless. Many "uncivilized cultures", like the Sawi, have rituals and custom that may seem grotesque or eccentric to the "civilized cultures". However, have you ever thought about it vice versa? To the "uncivilized cultures", the traditions of the "civilized cultures" may seem peculiar to them. It is the matter of perception and how people grasp the idea of what "civilized" actually is. To the "uncivilized culture", their traditions may not seem strange at all. Their traditions, embedded into their innate nature, altered their mindset into thinking that what they practice is not at all queer.

What society can do for the "uncivilized cultures" is to perceive the culture as if the culture was their own. Understanding that all cultures are different, whether it is cannibalism or worshiping a human being as if he is a god. By understanding one's culture, one can build a bridge between the two cultures and aid them to alter their mindset in what is right and wrong. In God's eyes we are all identical. Cannibal or not, God perceives us as His own children and He will save those who are blindly heading into the wrong direction.

Your word is a lamp for my feet,
   a light on my path. Psalm 119:105

1 comment:

  1. Hey Hansol!
    This is a great post. I agree that it's all about perspective. We have to "perceive the culture as if it is our own" and it is then that we can truly understand and appreciate that culture. I think it's a good point that you made by saying that by understanding one's culture, a bridge can be formed- a bridge of understanding. Overall, great post!
    _janis pok
