Monday, January 3, 2011


What concepts in the Sawi culture intrigued / reviled / saddened / angered/ surprised you?

I was very surprised. Actually, I was more than surprised. Surprised can't even define the feelings I felt while reading the Peace Child. They were ambivalent feelings of both amazement and a bit of disturbance. All these words filled my head as I read the Peace Child : Macabre, horrendous, gruesome, appalling, shocking. The process the Sawi goes through to eat a "meal" left me shocked and gaped in bewilderment. The craving of the human flesh that impels the Sawi to do such gruesome act was the most surprising to me. The Sawi first makes contact with their victims by presenting them with a  piece of their hair, which is a sign of trust and honesty. The Sawi then deceit their victims by "fattening them with friendship." The Sawi "fattens" their victims for months and months, waiting patiently and pondering what their victim's facial expression would look like as they stab them repeatedly. Can you believe that? They take months and months, just to have the satisfaction of betraying a friend. How the Sawi can be so treacherous and inhumane amazes me. 

However, I felt a slight hint of hope when I finished the book. A slight hope that even people who indulge in the betrayal of their own kind and who practice cannibalism can change their habits and turn good. That even people who enjoy looking into the terrified eyes of their victims as they slay them can take a 180 degrees turn in their life and become believers of God. This gives me hope in thinking that if the Sawi can become believers in God, then anyone can become a believer in God, whatever the sins in their life. God looks not at the past but at the future. If you truly ask for forgiveness, then God will forgive you and look past those sins and love you equally as a person who've been a Christian their whole life. 
You know why? 
Because God is awesome like that.

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

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