Thursday, January 6, 2011


What does Jesus want us to do for the Sawi?
As I ponder over this question, the answer is so simple and evident; Jesus wants all of us to share the Word of God with others. I have been going to church for as long as I can remember, up to the point where church feels like my second home. I grew up in a warm Christian home and currently attend a Christian school. As you can see, I grew up in a Christian atmosphere my whole life, and all those years I've always heard to spread the message of Jesus. But I never did. I never told a non-Christian the story about Jesus' birth or told an agnostic to go to church. I've had numerous and countless opportunities to share the message, but I never really thought about actually doing it. I admire the valor and the determination of Don Richardson and countless of other missionaries who go out into the field to share the gospel. Especially countries like China or New Guinea where Christianity is prohibited or does not even exist in the minds of the people. What Don Richardson, his wife, and an immeasurable amount of people are doing to this world is what Jesus wants us to do, not only to the Sawi but to all non-Christians; sacrificing their life, time, and strength and venturing out into the wild, knowing that danger is just around the corner. 

19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 20:19-20


  1. Hey Hansol
    I read this post and completely know what you're talking about. Reading about Don Richardson and the sacrifice and bravery that he and his family had to go and spread the Gospel with the scary tribe of the Sawi is pretty amazing. I definitely can relate in the 'going to church since I was born' situation, and even though God's word has been drilled into me all my life I still don't seem to have that courage that Don Richardson had to step out of my comfort zone and tell others about Christ. This was a great and honest post.

  2. Nice post Hansol!

    As a christian myself, I tried many times to spread the mesasge of God. But I failed almost everytime because I did not want to get the impression that I was a wierdo. I really think it takes valor and courage to sacrifice oneself for God. I think Becca pretty much summed up my feelings =)

    Good post Hansol!

  3. Hansol, what do you think we should do to spread or to express our faith to others? How would you cope with the "dangers of the world"? Would you have done what Don Richardson has done?
